Hello Everyone! *waves* How are you doing? We're great here at MCB. A Bear in the Woods, Toni's first series set in the US, is back on shelves! For it's anniversary rerelease we buffed it up and gave it a new cover for you to enjoy. Catherine outdid herself, no? We love the fact the series now has a matching theme for the covers and look forward to what Catherine has in store for SMB 3. Now, as with all celebratory fun, MCB has decided to make the first book in the Smokey Mountain Bears free for readers to enjoy. So if you haven't picked up Toni's bears yet, now is a great time to do it. It's already available for free at here at MCB, iBooks, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble, but we need your help to make it free at Amazon. See the picture below? Right where it says, "tell us about a lower price". We need our fabulous readers to clink on that and use the: Barnes & Noble link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1116842113?ean=2940151972673 or the Apple link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/bear-in-woods-smokey-mountain/id806279380?mt=11 to tell Amazon it's $0.00.
We appreciate the help from our readers and want everyone who loves Toni's Bears to give them a try and enjoy the cover. ;)
Hi! It's Silvia Violet and I'm taking a turn for Stuff We Like. For today’s post, I’m going to talk about one of my favorite things, Tumblr. Now to say I like Tumblr doesn’t exactly describe our relationship. Tumbr is like that man whose deliciously bad and you know he’s terrible for you but you can’t make youself stay away. It’s my guilty pleasure and one of the biggest enemies of productivity and yet, I go back again and again.
One of the things I dearly love about Tumblr is that no matter what kind of blogs you follow - cupcakes, puppies, Renaissance painters - you’ll ultimately end up with gay porn on your dash. It’s as if Tumblr has an algorithm that works like this puppies = men with puppies = men with men with puppies = gay porn. Or cupcakes = people eating cupcakes = men eating cupcakes = men eating cupcakes off other men = gay porn. And if that’s the life lesson we’re to learn from Tumblr, that all things come back to naked men loving all over each other, then I’m good with that. (For the sake of not turning this into a porn blog, I'll give you a milder example)
Tumblr has also brought me so much fandom goodness! I’ve been down the McKirk (McCoy and Kirk from Star Trek, especially Star Trek reboot) rabbit hole oh so many times.
And the things Stony (Steve Rogers and Tony Stark from the Avengers) does to me cannot be discussed in public. And there are so many other ships, a whole armada. I’m a rare bird in that I never wrote or read fanfic before getting into the m/m genre. Tumblr opened that world for me.
Hi everyone, Toni here for another episode of Stuff we like. This post got dropped in my lap this morning, while I was completely oblivious at work... let me tell you how it went down. Angel: Early warning system - Tomorrow is Wednesday, SWL Freddy: LOL, Whose turn? Angel: Umm... Not it! (I did last week) Freddy: I vote Toni Angel: *nods* I second that *runs* Then came a series of congratulatory stickers... A half hour later I stumble upon the conversation... Me: Yeah, thanks for that. So here I am with no warning, as it's already Wednesday here, and a post to be written... I start thinking about what I like and I'm having some trouble coming up with anything interesting. I happened to see a copy of the new cover the talented Catherine Dair has done for the re release of my A Bear in the Woods story and I found the perfect idea. The place that brought all us Mischiefers together in the beginning. The cabin in the Smokey Mountains just outside of Gatlinburg TN. No matter the reason that brought us all together in the first place, that evil is done and buried and doesn't deserve to be brought up again. This cabin will hold a special place in my heart as it's where I met some truly amazing people and even though we were only there for 4 days the memories and friendships will last a life time. I had to admit to being a little worried about bringing my brother with me... I'd just recently separated from my husband at that time and didn't want to undertake this massive trip to the US by myself. I didn't know how he'd go being thrown into a cabin with a bunch of authors that wrote gay romance. (Don't get me wrong, my brother loves me and supports what I do.) I barely knew any of these people let alone make him stay there with me for the next 4 days. I shouldn't have worried. Everyone loved him... It might have been his height (nearly 6'6) or the Aussie accent, or even his looks (Ewww... he's my brother) but he got along with everyone in the house. Especially the lovely Andi Anderson's hubby Chris. The two of them were as thick as thieves calling Bull...Shit (said in Chris's southern drawl) to just about everything.
My time here was so special that when we decided to write a story involving cabin I knew I had to set mine here, and so the Smokey Mountain Bears were born. I hope you've enjoyed my little wonder down memory lane and my Stuff We Like post this week. Let me know if you have a place that you've been that holds special memories for you. Leave a comment to win a $10 amazon gift card.
Hi everyone,
As some of you know, the individual releases from Cabin for Two have been getting some anniversary updates (cosmetic stuff - covers). The last two on the docket are Freddy's Dirty Little Secret and Toni's A Bear in the Woods: Smokey Mountain Bears 1. Freddy's story is still up, but we have pulled Toni's story down while undergoing renovations ;). No worries, A Bear in the Woods will be back shortly, with a couple surprises planned as an anniversary gift to fans. We are certainly looking forward to it, so we hope you will too. *waves* The MCB Crew For today's Stuff We Like, our wandering SFF author, Angel Martinez, is back for a post :) Hi all! It's summer. Yeah, I know, officially that's not for a number of days yet, but let's face it - the kids are done or almost done school. The beach traffic has already begun. We've had out first heat wave. And... Farmers' Markets are back. I think everyone has some version of Farmers' Market near them. Some of them are year-round, and not quite like the old markets where individual farmers trucked stuff in for the weekends and some are seasonal, from the roadside stand to the large, annual market spaces. It's one of the few things I like about summer, because you can actually find local, fresh-picked produce, so much nicer than the shipped in, force-ripened stuff from the wintertime. ![]() We have several different sorts of markets around us here. Delaware and the nearby counties in Pennsylvania have a lot of farms still and thriving Amish/Mennonite communities. We get a lot of farm stands along the old state roads. The Amish stands always have seasonal fruits and vegetables, but a lot of them also have yummy jars of pickled items and honey from their own apiaries. Wonderful stuff. ![]() We also have seasonal Farmers' Markets all up and down the state where vendors large and small bring produce, canned and bottled goods, crafts, art, and thingamajigs during the growing season. Local strawberries are the best. Local anything in the summer is wonderful. But there's nothing like the fruit picked for just that day. Even if you don't go to buy, it's so much fun to go and look. Pic on the right is from the one in Rehoboth Beach - one of the bigger ones - but they crop up all over. ![]() Then we have the year-round markets, too. These are sometimes more indoor flea market than traditional farm market, but it's usually kind of a mix. The one we have nearest us is half Asian market, half Supermercado, with the produce section smack in the middle. No, not everything is local, especially not in the winter, but it's a heck of a lot cheaper than the supermarket and you can find whatever you need for any dish imaginable. Ginger root, Thai peppers, whole sugar cane, jaggery, persimmons, mangoes of all sorts, whatever you need, they have it. There also happens to be a Korean restaurant inside the farmers market, which does a food festival annually where they serve food to the community for free. They had to move it outside this year because it's gotten too big. Other year round markets have some of the best baked goods in the area and various specialty vendors. In the summer, most of them have outdoor flea markets in the parking lots/ grassy areas where you can browse for all sorts of wild stuff, from handmade jewelry to antique car parts. Summer's sticky here. It's hot and generally yucky. But at least we have the Farmers' Markets - that helps make the rest bearable.
September 2021