Hello! Welcome to another week of Stuff We Like. This week's edition is brought to you by the letters H and F, as well as the number 17. Freddy is hosting so keep ahold of your seat and enjoy! I love hoodies. I won't lie. I prefer them over coats any day. I am a winter/fall person to start with, so when the weather turns I get excited because it means I get to snuggle into my hoodie.
I have a collection of well-used and loved hoodies. Some are lined, some not. A couple have been with me for years (I have a brown and white stripped one I've had for nearly 7-8 years.) I don't like the flimsy, hey this could be a t-shirt ones, but well-made heavier material that feel good when you slip into them. The he one in the picture above is probably the best made one I've ever gotten, and despite it being in excellent condition, I will probably get another. The brand is American Giant. They are American made and have a selection of more than just hoodies. When they first arrived on the scene the wait was months and months to get just a hoodie, and honestly, I understand why. They are so well-made, feel so good against you (and if you have skin issues like me this is glorious indeed) and fit nicely. They do start a little stiff but as you wear them, the hoodies get more and more comfortable, like a good pair of jeans. The brand is a direct order - so no physical stores anywhere - but they do that to keep the cost down. The hoodies and whatnot aren't cheap, but you won't be needing to buy a hoodie often, though you may end up buying more because they're so comfy.
Hey everyone, Toni here for another episode of Stuff We Like. This week is going to be short and sweet as I just got back from a family holiday in Perth and have been struck down with the dreaded lurgy. This week I'm sharing with you my love of Gold Class cinema. Living in Darwin, in the Northern Territory, this is something we don't have up here (A luxury they don't think we deserve ;)). Every time I visit somewhere that has Gold Class, no matter the cinema franchise, I make sure to treat myself. I'm a big fan of the movies as it is, but being able to sit back on massive recliner chairs, and watch a movie as waiters bring you food and drinks at pre-ordered times is utterly indulgent. The cinemas have a cozier feel as there are usually only 30-40 chairs instead of the 150-200. I've taken to spoiling my child (If she's with me) and taking her along as well. While I was in Perth I managed to squeeze in two GC Movies. I saw Bridget Jones's Baby and Sully (Which I absolutely loved). Even though the price of the tickets is high, it's not something I get to do every week, or even every month so I don't mind spending a little more and spoiling myself when I can. Is there something you like to do every time you go on holidays? I'd love to hear about it.
Scott is back this week with another little known TV series that he absolutely loves.
If you have ever worked for (or still do) a large, faceless corporation, I have the perfect TV series for you. We discovered Better Off Ted show on Netflix a few years ago, and it is hands-down one of the hilarious shows I have ever seen. It's also a highly intelligent comedy.
In a nutshell, it's the story of a cast of characters who work at Viridian Dynamics, a huge firm that has its hands in everything from the food supply to deadly weapons - and sometimes the two cross, like the episode where the scientists are asked to create an exploding pumpkin.
Each episode revolves around a new creation the boss, Veronica (Portia DiRossi) asks the staff to create. The dapper Jay Harrington plays Ted, the charismatic suit who carries out these commands. Andrea Anders is his love interest, Linda, and Jonathan Slavin and Malcolm Barrett round out the main cast as Phil and Lem, the scientists who do the actual R&D. We're re-watching the series now for the fourth or fifth time, and my favorite part so far? Veronica: "The company wants to freeze Phil." Which leads to the aforementioned freezing (in the name of science, of course), an accidental thawing, and the unfortunate side effect of Phil screaming at random times throughout the show. Oh, and did I mention the "commercials" for Veridian Dynamics that open each show? Think those GE "we do everything" ads, but on acid:
The series is fresh, funny and has a great cast. There are two seasons, both available on Netflix last I checked. :)
Angel's back this week with a seasonal kind of thing - So, it's September, early September in that "the weather still thinks it's summer, but you can feel the fall trying to break through" way. It's still humid as hell this evening as I write. Though Hell is more of a dry heat, according to Shax. I wouldn't know. But the trees are starting to do fall things, like drop acorns and shed pine needles. The cicadas have settled down to occasional trills now, heading toward the end of their adult cycles. The crickets still sing in mass Hallelujah chorus and the peeper frogs will get their cue in about an hour now. There's just something in the air - a waiting, a holding of collective breath. Soon, the night sounds say, soon the heat will dissipate and a chill will come with sunset. Soon the squirrels will become less playful, engaged in the serious work of fattening up for the cold. Winter is coming. Mr. Martin was watching squirrels when he thought of that. (Probably not, but I do.) The video probably doesn't catch the night sounds for you well enough, everything soft and anticipatory after the raucous summer concerts. Kitty in the window is optional, but always preferable: |
September 2021