Morning! Welcome to another week of Stuff We Like brought to you by the letter 'c' and Freddy. Want to know why? Because not only are you doing something good for yourself, you are doing good for others. Every work day I walk to the train station, take the train downtown, then walk to my work. Once my day is over I hoof it back to the station and get home. I am guaranteed to walk a minimum of 6 miles a day, 5 days a week. I do it because I enjoy walking. I put in my head phones, tune out the world, and just go. It's my time to myself, and I relish it. Even in subzero temperatures I walked to work. When a coworker was introduced to this app, the first person they thought of was me, because they know I'm already walking/running to and from work. Might as well do some good, right? *points down* These are just some of the charities that are partnered with Charity Miles. The list is even longer. All reputable places you can give to while you're walking/running/biking. You pick one then Humana or Johnson & Johnson sponsors you as you do your thing. If you noticed you have a selection and can go from there.
There are quirks, and some things I wish they could improve, but for now I'm happy that there is something out there like this. It's nice to know when I'm trying to take care of myself, I can help someone else too. All those cents add up after a while.
September 2021