It's a weird one. I know. Trust me. I really do. Welcome to another Stuff We Like with Freddy hosting again this week. I can only say chapstick is a life-long crutch of mine, and well, I need it, so maybe it's more than a like. My mom used to give us those plastic candy canes filled with chapstick when we were little. (Yes, we complained if we didn't get them). I've had really bad eczema all my life. Materials and fabrics could set me off no time flat. My lips had there own issues. And I hated when they cracked and bleed. Chapstick saved me. It kept me from hurting horribly, or at least worse and being self conscious about my lips. Burt's Bees has been a long time favorite of mine. I've been through many over the years. But Burt's had stuck with me longer than any other brand.
I am often accused of hoarding chapstick, and people aren't exactly wrong. I probably have 3 or 4 chapsticks at any given time. I lose them (everyone does, so do not give me that look) and then find them again, but sometimes not soon enough. I also tend to have one for any bag I may carry - backpack, messenger bag, iPad carrier, Laptop case. You get the point. (This means in reality I probably have close to a dozen chapsticks at any given time). So chances are, if you run into me, I will have more than one chapstick on me at any given time. And in case you ask, I will give you one, but keep it. I have plenty.
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September 2021